

Law Wise

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Posted on: Sep 4, 2019

We are pleased to start the 2019-20 school year off with the September Law Wise.

This is an exciting school year with critical issues and candidate debates leading up to the November 3, 2020 U.S. presidential election. This issue prepares you with things you need to know about voting.

Inside this issue:

·       The passage of the 26th Amendment

·       The Impact of the Youth Vote

·       Why Vote? Lesson Plan

·       Design a Candidate Advertising Campaign Lesson Plan

Reminder: We encourage you to share this free resource and encourage others to receive Law Wise via email by subscribing at: www.ksbar.org/lawwise

Law Wise is funded by a grant from the Kansas Bar Foundation


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Posted on: May 16, 2019

We are pleased to provide for you the final issue of Law Wise for the 2018-19 school year.

In recognition of the 65th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, this issue explores:

  • Cases that paved the way for the Brown decision
  • An iCivics lesson plan that highlights segregation and the 14th Amendment
  • A lesson plan on the impact of Mendez v. Westminster in the fight against segregation in American schools
  • A dozen resources to learn more about Brown v. Board of Education

Enjoy your summer!

This publication is brought to you by the Kansas Bar Association and funded through a grant from the Kansas Bar Foundation.

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Posted on: Apr 5, 2019

Greetings Educators & Students. 


In this issue…

  • Show me the Money: The Big Business of College Athletics
  • Sports and the Law
  • Lesson Plan:  Antitrust Labor Law and Sports
  • Lesson Plan: Paying College Athletes − Should college athletes get paid or be allowed to receive sponsorship money?
  • Financial Literacy: How to Adult

The May issue of Law Wise will highlight the 65th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education.

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Posted on: Nov 26, 2018

Greetings teachers and students.

The 2019 Law Day theme is Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society. 

We hope you enjoy the resources related to these topics in this issue. The KBA can arrange to have an attorney present information about Law Day and freedom of speech. Contact Anne Woods at awoods@ksbar.org for details.

Happy holidays!

We wish you a safe and fun winter break!

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Posted on: Sep 26, 2018

Greetings Educators and Students:


Happy Fall! 


Learn about the U.S. Census 2020 in the October Law Wise.



  • The history and importance of conducting a census every 10 years.
  • How the questions about race have changed over the years.
  • Tax revenue and congressional apportionment issues.
  • A lesson plan for middle school students.
  • A lesson plan for high school students.

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Posted on: Sep 4, 2018

Greetings Educators and Students:

I hope you had a relaxing summer and are ready for a new school year!

The September Law Wise features issues that are currently in the news.


  • The importance of Judicial Review.
  •  The role of the US Senate in the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Confirmation Process.
  •  Learn about nominee-Judge Brett Kavanaugh
  •  A lesson plan on how the U.S. Supreme Court works.
  •  A lesson plan on judicial review. 


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Posted on: Mar 18, 2018






  • Triple Play & What Happens When a Governor Resigns
  • Introducing Governor Colyer
  • November Elections
  • The Perfect Pizza: Learning the Legislative Process
  • How a Bill Becomes A Law Lesson Plan
  • Mock Trial Regional Results

The final issue of Law Wise for the 2017-18 year will be in April.


You can find additional resources at http://www.ksbar.org/educator_resources.

Law Wise is provided by a grant from the
Kansas Bar Foundation


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Posted on: Feb 7, 2018

In this issue:

  • Mock Trials in the Classroom
  • Floyd Abrams & the First Amendment 
  • Congressional Medal Awarded to the Hon. Robert J. Dole
  • ESU Mock Trial Resources
  • KSDE Civic Engagement Conference



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Posted on: Nov 14, 2017

Greetings from the KBA!

This issue of Law Wise is about the Judicial branch of government. We hope you enjoy reading about:

  • Interviews with two Kansas judges that highlight their career aspirations as children, their paths to becoming judges and the unique perspectives of serving as judges in Kansas.
  • Numerous resources in Terrific Technology that highlight how to become a judge, how courts work and the judge’s role in court.
  • A lesson plan on the organization of the Federal Courts and one on understanding the differences between federal and state courts.

The next issue of Law Wise will be in February 2018.


You can find additional resources at http://www.ksbar.org/page/educator_resources.

Law Wise is provided by a grant from the Kansas Bar Foundation


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Posted on: Oct 3, 2017

Greetings Educators,

The October issue of Law Wise features: 

    • slavery
    • the presidency/terms of office/term limits/presidential succession
    • senatorial elections
    • voting age/women and the right to vote.
  • The Father of Judicial Review, John Marshall and his work with the Supreme Court
  • Lesson plans that address students’ freedom of speech & rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.

You can find additional resources at http://www.ksbar.org/page/educator_resources.

Law Wise is provided by a grant from the Kansas Bar Foundation

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